EcoClean - Ignace

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Red wine on your carpet? A nightmare? Not anymore. Our new EcoClean collection gives households one less worry. The carpet with optimised yarn specifications and a special primary coating ensures that stains do not stick permanently. The excellent stain-repellent properties of the recycled PET yarn ensure this. A nasty stain? In most cases, a wet cloth will do. Of course, soap or a textile cleaner will further simplify cleaning. And yes, the carpet is resistant to most aggressive cleaning products, including diluted bleach. But most importantly; no matter how you handle it, the stain will vanish.

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Project Details

Doel:Amuseren, informeren en overtuigen
Middelen:Sony A7sIII, Canon 28mm F2.8, Canon 50mm F1.2, Canon 100mm F2.8, Sony 20mm F1.8, Sony 50mm F2.8


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